Vaka Taumako Project Update


Vaka Taumako Project members have recently shown the video “We, the Voyagers: Part 1, Our Vaka” to enthusiastic audiences in Hawai`i, California, British Columbia, Washington state, and New Zealand.

This production, the first in a three-part series, features two people from Taumako island in the eastern Solomon Islands telling how their Polynesian community has worked to preserve and teach its ancestral knowledge of canoe building and sailing.

The second part will tell the story of a voyage to a neighboring island, and use this voyage to illustrate traditional navigation methods, methods which most people in other parts of the Pacific have long forgotten.

We, the Voyagers: Our Vaka

Principal investigator Dr. Marianne George and VTP Secretary Heu`ionalani Meph Wyeth will be hosting video showings on the US Mainland and in Hawai`i during September and October.

School students helping launch a TePuke

For information on schedules, and to request other presentations, please check the website, or Vaka Taumako on Facebook.

Taumako girls weaving panels for a sail, with an older woman supervising.


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