Juniors Train To Compete In Tahiti


This year the IVF Va’a Distance World Championships are in Tahiti in June. Juniors from all over California were getting together for some extensive training camps and workouts over the past few months, and they have been getting together to train and practice with an elite panel of coaches in hopes of making the team for 19U Girls and 19U Boys. These training camps were not only   helping make a strong team for the Distance World Champs, it is also helping to bring ALL our junior paddlers from ALL CLUBS up to the next level  of training and paddling. Athletes are learning how to train and push themselves while also meeting new paddlers their age and connecting to role models in their community.

These athletes know they are lucky to able to have their opportunity to earn a spot on the top junior team for Tahiti. But they will need a little help getting there with expenses. With the help of the community, we can rally together and help get them to Tahiti in June! The team will need assistance with accommodations, race fees and travel expenses.  Our vision is big and our goals are large, but nobody will work harder to accomplish their goals than these juniors. Any donation counts, and any donation makes a difference!

To Learn more about this race, check out: http://www.tahitivaa2018.org/en/world-distance-2017/

Kelly Thompson
NAC Outrigger Coach



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